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How to Download Au Ce Mi-Ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu for Free

Oana Radu - Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie: How to Download and Enjoy This Hit Song

If you are a fan of Romanian pop music, you have probably heard of Oana Radu, one of the most talented and successful singers in the country. Her latest song, Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie, has been a huge hit since its release in 2022, reaching millions of views on YouTube and topping the charts. But how can you download and enjoy this amazing song? In this article, we will show you two easy ways to get access to Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie, as well as some tips on how to make the most out of it. Let's get started!

oana radu au ce mi-ai facut tu mie download


Who is Oana Radu and what is her musical style?

Oana Radu is a Romanian singer, songwriter, and producer who started her career in 2010. She rose to fame after participating in various talent shows, such as X Factor Romania and Vocea Romaniei. She is known for her powerful voice, versatile style, and emotional lyrics. She has collaborated with many famous artists, such as Dr. Mako, Eli, Doddy, iLo, and Tzancă Uraganu. Her musical genre ranges from pop, dance, R&B, soul, to manele, a type of Romanian folk music.

What is the meaning and message of Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie?

Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie, which translates to "What Have You Done To Me", is a song about love, passion, and addiction. It tells the story of a woman who is madly in love with a man who makes her feel things she has never felt before. She is so obsessed with him that she cannot live without him, even if he hurts her or cheats on her. She asks him what he has done to her to make her so addicted to him. The song expresses the intensity, complexity, and sometimes toxicity of love.

How did the song become popular and what are the reactions of the fans?

The song was released on April 20th, 2022, along with an official video that features Oana Radu in various glamorous outfits and scenes. The video was directed by Alex Marica and produced by MusicBox Entertainment. The song quickly became a hit, reaching over 28 million views on YouTube in one year. It also received positive feedback from the fans, who praised Oana Radu's voice, performance, and beauty. The song was also played on many radio stations and TV channels in Romania and abroad.

How to Download Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie

Option 1: Stream and download in Hi-Res on

What is Qobuz and why choose it?

Qobuz is an online music streaming and downloading service that offers high-resolution audio quality, up to 24-bit/192 kHz. It also has a large catalog of over 70 million tracks, covering various genres and artists. If you are an audiophile who wants to enjoy the best sound quality and discover new music, Qobuz is the perfect choice for you.

How to create an account and access the song?

To use Qobuz, you need to create an account on their website or app. You can choose from different subscription plans, depending on your needs and budget. The cheapest plan is the Studio Premier, which costs 14.99 per month or 149.99 per year, and gives you unlimited access to all the tracks in Hi-Res. Once you have an account, you can search for Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu in the search bar and click on the song to stream or download it. You can also add it to your favorites, playlists, or library.

What are the benefits and features of Qobuz?

Qobuz is not only a music streaming and downloading service, but also a platform that provides you with various features and benefits, such as:

  • Editorial content: You can read articles, reviews, interviews, and news about your favorite artists and genres.

  • Recommendations: You can get personalized suggestions based on your preferences and listening history.

  • Offline mode: You can download your favorite tracks and albums and listen to them offline, without using your data or Wi-Fi.

  • Integration: You can connect Qobuz to your devices, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, speakers, or headphones, using Bluetooth, AirPlay, Chromecast, or other protocols.

  • Support: You can contact the Qobuz team anytime if you have any questions or issues with the service.

Option 2: Watch and download the official video on YouTube

What is YouTube and why choose it?

YouTube is a video-sharing platform that allows you to watch, upload, share, comment, and like videos of various categories and topics. It is one of the most popular and visited websites in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users. If you want to watch Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu in its full visual glory, YouTube is the best option for you. You can also download the video or audio file for free using some online tools.

How to find and watch the video?

To watch Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu on YouTube, you need to go to their website or app and type the name of the song in the search bar. You will see a list of results, but the first one should be the official video uploaded by MusicBox Entertainment. You can click on it to watch it in full screen or in a smaller window. You can also adjust the quality, speed, subtitles, and other settings according to your preference. You can also like, share, comment, or subscribe to the channel if you want.

How to download the video or audio file?

If you want to download Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu from YouTube for offline viewing or listening, you need to use some online tools that allow you to convert and save YouTube videos as MP4 or MP3 files. There are many websites that offer this service for free, such as,, or To use them, you need to copy the URL of the YouTube video and paste it in the input box of the website. Then you need to choose the format and quality that you want and click on download. The file will be saved on your device or computer.

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How to Enjoy Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie

Listen to the lyrics and appreciate the message

One of the best ways to enjoy Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu is to listen carefully to the lyrics and understand the message that she wants to convey. The song is written in Romanian, but you can find translations in English or other languages online if you don't speak it. The lyrics are very expressive and emotional, describing the feelings of a woman who is deeply in love with a man who makes her happy but also sad. The song is a mix of love and pain, passion and addiction. By listening to the lyrics, you can relate to Oana Radu's story and experience the emotions that she expresses. You can also appreciate the poetic and artistic value of the song, as well as the cultural and social context that it reflects.

Sing along and dance to the catchy tune

Another way to enjoy Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu is to sing along and dance to the catchy tune. The song has a very rhythmic and melodic structure, with a chorus that repeats several times and hooks you in. The song also has a blend of pop, dance, and manele elements, creating a unique and lively sound. By singing along and dancing to the song, you can have fun and release some energy. You can also practice your Romanian pronunciation and learn some new words and phrases.

Share the song with your friends and family

A final way to enjoy Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu is to share the song with your friends and family. The song is suitable for different occasions and moods, whether you want to party, relax, or express your feelings. By sharing the song with your loved ones, you can bond with them and create some memories. You can also introduce them to Oana Radu's music and discover more songs by her or other Romanian artists.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu is a hit song that you should definitely check out if you are a fan of Romanian pop music. The song is about love, passion, and addiction, and it showcases Oana Radu's talent, style, and beauty. You can download and enjoy the song in two easy ways: by streaming or downloading it in Hi-Res on, or by watching or downloading the official video on YouTube. You can also enjoy the song by listening to the lyrics, singing along, dancing, and sharing it with your friends and family.

Call to action and final thoughts

If you are interested in Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu, don't hesitate to download it today and enjoy it as much as you want. You can also follow Oana Radu on her social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, to stay updated on her latest news and releases. You can also explore more of her music and other Romanian artists on or YouTube. Thank you for reading this article and we hope you have a great time listening to Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu!


Q: When was Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu released?

A: The song was released on April 20th, 2022.

Q: What is the genre of Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu?

A: The song is a mix of pop, dance, and manele.

Q: How many views does Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu have on YouTube?

A: The song has over 28 million views on YouTube as of June 2023.

Q: What is the name of the director and producer of Au Ce Mi-ai Facut Tu Mie by Oana Radu's video?

A: The video was directed by Alex Marica and produced by MusicBox Entertainment.

Q: What is the name of the website that offers high-resolution audio streaming and downloading?

A: The website is called 44f88ac181

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